
I’m not black, but I see you.
I’m not black, but I hear you.
I’m not black, but I mourn with you.
I’m not black, but I see the injustice that you face daily.
I’m not black, but I see your fear for your sons and even your daughters.
I’m not black, but I will stand with you.
I’m not black, but I love you.
I’m not black, but black lives matter.

And I don’t care how much backlash I get from this, because BLACK. LIVES. MATTER. ❤️ And I will always stand beside you.


Yes I am half black but this was sent to me by my mom of someone who isn’t colored and I was actually happy that it was shared.

Give me your thoughts on this !


New moments ❤️

16 thoughts on “Deep

      1. Yes I definitely agree especially the things going around this world. I just will never understand racism .


      2. We all might not but we all have to know that we are all the same and we all came from the same place which is from God. We are all God’s children and we have to learn to love on another

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  1. I would add that ALL lives matter. You have never looked into the eyes of a person that doesn’t matter to GOD! It grieves the heart of God when we treat others badly just because they are different from us. Hatred of any kind makes my blood boil.

    Matthew 22:36-40 New International Version (NIV)
    36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
    37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

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    1. Thank you so much ❤️! But you don’t see too many whites getting murdered for no reason by cops you know ? It just sucks that blacks get treated a different way. It’s just been on my mind a lot since this recent killing .

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